Services offered by Janet.
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Each session is 30 minutes at the cost of $30/person Book 5 sessions at $130/person
Ionic Detox Foot Bath
Ion Cleanse Everyone holds toxins in their body, (whether or not symptoms are present), we take in toxins faster than we can get rid of them.
Ionic Foot Detox is a safe and easy way of eliminating toxins.
There are 2000 pores in the bottom of a pair of feet and when submerged in water, the machine will draw out the toxins.
The process is called osmosis (movement of particles through a soluble, such as water, through a membrane from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration).
Benefits include:
Balanced PH levels
Improves complexion
Enhances nutrition absorption
Slows down aging and improves body flexibility
Helps inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus
Assists persons suffering from Allergies
Aids with Sleep deprivation
Pain relief for person suffering from Arthritis
Aids persons suffering from Gout
Corrects Heavy Metal toxicity
Reduces pain
Indian Head Massages
Indian Head Massages, also known as Champissage, is a form of relaxation massage that focus on the face,
head, neck, shoulders, arms and upper back which are important energy centers.
This form of massage is very relaxing and has a balancing effect on the recipient as it helps them to release
stress and tension creating a sense of peace and well-being.
This massage is 40 minutes to 1 hour. Cost per session: $80
Benefits include:
- Benefits anyone suffering from Migraines
- Reduces facial, neck and shoulder tension
- Soothes tired eyes
- Prevents and relieve headaches, earaches
- Prevents hair loss
- Boosts circulation and improves energy and concentration
Each session will be different, as your body, mind and spirit change, so does your treatment. By working together we achieve a healthier you.
Each session is 40 minutes to 1 hour at the cost of $80/person
Reiki | 霊気
Reiki works in harmony with all types of treatments, improving results, shortening healing time and reducing or eliminating pain.
Benefits include:
- Creates deep relaxation and helps the body to release stress and tension
- Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins
- Accelerates the body’s self-healing abilities
- Aids better sleep
- Reduces blood pressure
- Helps with the healing process, before and after operations